Transparent Traffic Shaper for gamenet

TransparentTrafficShaper ajian ini sangat ampuh dalam menahan laju downloader ulung yang suka nyedot bandwit di warnet, sebenarnya sangat cocok untuk gamenet alasannya karena di TransparentTrafficShaper 1 IP merupakan parent untuk semua port di IP tersebut.

Ketika ada trafic di port 27015 yang sudah dimangle, oleh queque simple akan di limit sesuai dengan min-max limit yang sudah ditentukan, min-max limit mengacu pada min-max limit parent, value harus di bawahnya.

All sub-queues have the main queue as the parent, thus the aggregate data rate could not exceed limits specified in the main queue. Note, that http queue has higher priority than other queues, meaning that HTTP downloads are prioritized.

Langsung ke contohnya .

/ ip firewall mangle
add chain=prerouting protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=mark-connection \
new-connection-mark=http_conn passthrough=yes comment="http_con"
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=http_conn action=mark-packet \
new-packet-mark=http passthrough=no

add chain=prerouting protocol=udp dst-port=27015-27040 action=mark-connection \
new-connection-mark=halflife_conn passthrough=yes comment="halflife_con"
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=halflife_conn action=mark-packet \
new-packet-mark=halflife passthrough=no

add chain=prerouting p2p=all-p2p action=mark-connection \
new-connection-mark=p2p_conn passthrough=yes comment="p2p_con"
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=p2p_conn action=mark-packet \
new-packet-mark=p2p passthrough=no

add chain=prerouting action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=other_conn \
passthrough=yes comment="other_con"
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=other_conn action=mark-packet \
new-packet-mark=other passthrough=no

Queue parent

/ queue simple
add name="pc1" target-addresses= max-limit=64000/80000
add name="pc2" target-addresses= max-limit=64000/80000
Queue limit port

/ queue simple
add name="http1" parent=pc1 packet-marks=http max-limit=64000/64000 priority=3
add name="p2p1" parent=pc1 packet-marks=p2p max-limit=64000/64000 priority=6
add name="halflife1" parent=pc1 packet-marks=halflife max-limit=64000/72000 priority=4
add name="other1" parent=pc1 packet-marks=other max-limit=60000/72000 priority=1

add name="http2" parent=pc2 packet-marks=http max-limit=64000/64000 priority=3
add name="p2p2" parent=pc2 packet-marks=p2p max-limit=64000/64000 priority=6
add name="halflife2" parent=pc2 packet-marks=halflife max-limit=64000/72000 priority=4
add name="other2" parent=pc2 packet-marks=other max-limit=60000/72000 priority=1

1 komentar:

  1. wow..Good Blog,, Pernah Dengar DLINGO Visit c.u
